During my high school years I loved the TV show "The Twilight Zone." It was strange mix of horror, science-fiction, drama, comedy and superstition.
I never imagined I would be living like I was in one of the episodes.
I would really love to be able to push the button and turn the episode off.
Life was being turbulent enough with Walt's health situation. He was having difficulty getting back any strength.
There were trips back to the hospital to have fluid removed so he could breathe comfortably.
But we were grateful for the good days when we could go out for a drive, stop for something to eat, visit the family, and do whatever we chose.
Then in November or December 2019 the news began to murmur about something they called a Corona virus. Walt was still in the hospital recovering from his quadruple bypass surgery and quite honestly the virus was not even a blip on my radar.
The news was saying the outbreak began in Wuhan, China. I am by nature not a very trusting person and on the top of my Do Not Trust list is China.
At the end of December 2019 a Chinese Dr became a whistleblower in a group chat with some of his medical school classmates he said “Coronavirus confirmed, and type being determined … Don’t leak it. Tell your family and relatives to take care.”
Walt's recovery continued and the Corona virus rumors continued. China has admitted deaths.
Cases are confirmed in different countries in January 2020. In late January the first case in the United States is being reported in the state of Washington.
About this same time Walt was released from rehab and we were hoping to move forward with in home rehab and continued rebuilding of his strength.
Now the term "pandemic" was everywhere. But for us our calendar was full with Walt's Dr appointments, MRI's, tests, Xrays and some normal activities like the Superbowl.
By the end of January and early February travel restrictions (especially from China to the U.S.) had been put in place.
In February 2020 the virus continues to spread in places like New York where they say it came from Europe. In February Walt was again hospitalized because fluid had built up around his lungs.
Throughout February 2020 the virus continues to grow worldwide. Much ado about what to do about it. Everyone has an opinion. The Doctors, the scientists, the politicians, the movie stars, the military, and every caller into a talk show has an opinion. Most are scary and it throws the public into a frenzy. They are out stocking up on toilet paper and food supplies. There is not a square of toilet paper to be found within a few days.
The uncertainty caused the stock market to free fall. Every day there was more talk of record breaking numbers but certainly not in a good way.
March 2020 begins with ping pong accusations of inaction, hopes for a vaccine, calls for personal protection gear, ventilators, therapeutics, testing and the finger pointing became extreme.
In March Walt was in and out of the hospital two times. I had questions about him more than the virus. Why can't the Doctors figure out why fluid keeps building up? Does it have something to do with medication? Is it something we aren't controlling? We have cut out salt in his food, made sure he has taken his medication as he is supposed to and tried to have him exercise to gain strength but when he can't breathe comfortably and his blood pressure is sky high exercise isn't in the cards.
On March 13, 2020 President Trump declared a National Emergency. Not long after that Arizona was in shutdown. The governor issued stay at home orders. Stores, restaurants, offices, gyms, schools, sports (professional, college, high school, club] museums, parks, zoos, and many more places have closed. Drive thru or curb pick up is the option for eating out. Sadly high school and college graduations are not to be.
Hospitals have implemented a "no visitor" policy so when Walt has had to go to the hospital I just have to let them know he is there and they come get him and I have to just drive off. Thank heaven for technology. We send him with his phone and a charger and we can keep in contact. When he is released I drive up and they bring him out.
Staying at home in not very hard for me. I am happy to do a few household chores, listen to podcasts, listen to Audible books, and read books. Plus cooking with no salt takes a lot of time. No shortcuts. No canned foods, no prepared foods, no processed meats, and bottled sauces. But it is much harder for Walt. He likes to go and the days he feels good it is hard to keep him in. Plus with no sports on TV there is little distraction for him.
Social distancing is the new buzzword. Some people take it very seriously. When they go out they are fully masked, gloved up, hand wipes and hand sanitizer at the ready. Others no so much. No type of prevention and usually with a large group of people. I am in between. I try to wipe things down when I have to go into a store and I always have hand sanitizer to use. Poor Walt.....I don't let him go much of anywhere. I have ordered groceries online a couple times then picked up with them loading them into the car. While it was pretty successful the items that were at the top of my list were "out of stock".
It goes on and on. All you see or hear on the news is the virus. Everyone accuses everyone else of making wrong decisions. Some are saying there is not enough equipment, not enough tests, not enough hospital beds, not enough medical workers, and definitely not enough money with all the people out of work because of the closures.
People are dying. Some young, most old, some famous, some only known to those that love them. It is world wide and some areas have many more cases than others. Professionals are working hard to figure out why, where it came from, what they can do to treat it and what they can do to prevent it. There isn't a quick fix.
April comes and there is unrest. People want to go back to work. Politicians point fingers at each other and fight about who is in charge.
Walt is still having trouble. He had an appointment with his pulmonary Dr. and the Dr. recognized that something needed to be done. He made arrangements to have him admitted to the hospital again saying this time they are going to get him well.
Another hospital drop off. Texts and phone calls make me optimistic. He says he is feeling good. Some changes to medication is made and treatment is more aggressive. Upon release he looks so good and acts so much more energetic. We note that he is really screwing up the corona virus testing numbers. He is tested each time he goes into the hospital so he has increased the testing numbers.
While we continue to hear of medical shortages in other places here in Arizona we seem to have an overabundance. Banner, Dignity and Mayo have announced furloughs and pay cuts due to workloads decreasing.
Walt continues to feel better than he has for ever so long. He is taking walks, breathing well, clear headed and chomping at the bit to get on with life. Announcements have been made that reopening is going to start.
It has given us great joy that our family are well, safe, still employed and being careful. Days run together for them just like for us. For most of us there isn't a real routine. Some are expanding their talents like Lyndsee who has been doing some amazing paintings. Some are doing online college finals like Logan, some are continuing with their education like Brianna. Some are working, just differently. Kristi, Brooke, Sammie, Lyndsee are doing online school. Bailey is still adding to her frog and plant collection and creating her imaginative art.
Life does go on but I am still ready to turn off this episode of Twilight Zone. Maybe the next episode will be where we look back and say "Wow, that was something". We may just be beginning the new normal. I don't think things will ever be the same. There will be changes made that will become permanent. We will have to adjust to a new reality.
As part of our new reality we are grateful for how good Walt is feeling and are thankful for all of the support we have had. Now it is time to make some decisions on our future. We'll see what that future will bring in the next episode of The Twilight Zone.
The photos have been brought to you by the Pink Super Moon on April 7, 2020.