We left Las Cruces and headed west on I10. We will miss our friends and the beautiful state of New Mexico but the warmth of the Phoenix Valley calls.
The clouds painted shadows on the mountains.
"Welcome to Arizona, where summer spends the winter - and hell spends the summer."
Booster slogan from the 30's.
We left I10 and took 191 to 70 to 60. A nice drive through several small towns with plenty of places to stop for breaks.
Dry, dusty mountains. We are back in Arizona. We don't shovel snow in the winter.
We have arrived at our winter home. Darn, we more than qualify on the age limit.
The streets are lined with palm trees imported from California and watered with a supply piped in from Nevada. And the people are from Canada and all points North.
One of the clubhouses. Activity Central. The calendar is filled with things to do every day.
Gypsy's little nose is peeking out.....3rd one down.
I picked a space for Gypsy that had two palm trees. Soon she will have flowers and bird feeders around her and we will feel right at home.
The view between the palm trees is to the heated pool and hot tub. Walt has already tried out the hot tub.
The exercise room is in the building behind the pool and I have enjoyed being able to do my stretches in there instead of in limited Gypsy space.
Lots of sunsets ahead and visits with family.
Sign courtesy of Tinkertown Museum.