Leaving gorgeous Cathedral Gorge our trip through Nevada continued on to the tiny spot on the map of Jackpot, NV.
We spent several very relaxing days at the RV Park at Cactus Pete's Casino in Jackpot. Grassy sites, lots of shade trees, great RV neighbors, quiet, peaceful, with the most excitement being the landing of private planes at the airport next door.
Then it was on to Boise, ID......you can see why it is called "the city of trees."
Having lived in Boise for many years, leaving in the late 80's, we are continually amazed at the growth and action in Boise. We remember when driving down Capitol Boulevard from the train depot the Capitol was the tallest structure. Now it is dwarfed by lots of high rises.
The high rise downtown condos are plentiful. I choose the penthouse one here.......$2+ million......I wonder if we could get a senior discount.
The major change in downtown Boise that really fascinates me is JUMP.
JUMP stands for Jack's Urban Meeting Place. It means just that........a place for Boiseans to meet.
JUMP is funded by the J.R. Simplot family. It is part-convention center, part-park, and part-art studio. There is also a kitchen for culinary classes, a dance studio and a five-story slide. This day it was hosting a very colorful octopus.
It is a little bit like psychedelic meets farm event space because when J. R. Simplot passed away in 2008 he left behind his legacy and an astounding collection of vintage tractors that are now housed at JUMP. This is all a non-profit so it is as accessible as possible to everyone.
I had no way of getting a photo that would show how huge the complex is so I found this pretty one of a night view from an opposite side than I was on. What a gift to the community of Boise. Walt met Mr. Simplot on several occasions and even still has a gift he gave him.
Another fun thing to look for as you walk or drive around Boise are the painted utility boxes.
The "Traffic Box" project challenged emerging artists and established professionals to “wrap” the nondescript utilitarian devices that control the streetlights.
From potatoes to a plug for the Esther Simplot Performing Arts Academy.
The event we came to Boise for is the Harper family reunion. It was held in the pretty Julia Davis Park. It was Walt's turn to host the reunion so much of our time in Boise was spent running errands to get the food ready for the get together.
There was a good turn out and all of the Harper siblings were there. Front row, Bob, Jack, and Kathy. Back row, Bernice, Walt and Sam.
A photo with the spouses too. So happy we were able to do this. Walt really enjoyed seeing his family. Lots of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
The ages ran from Walts oldest brother, Bob, at 87 on down to some as young as this little cutie. There was a lot of visiting going on and various activities were done. Some went to the zoo, some went shopping, some went to the water park, some camped, and I hope they all had a good time.
It was Kays' (Brother Bob's wife) birthday and we went to have Birthday Cake with her and there were fireworks in her honor. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
It was so nice to reconnect with all these wonderful people and grateful we were able to make it happen. Looking forward to next time.